Causes of Littering

Laziness and Carelessness

No Consequence For Littering

Presence of Litter in an Area

Improper Environmental Education

Lack of Trash Receptacles

Low Fines for Littering

Keep the world clean, safe and beautiful.
Litter is any kind of trash.
Make the environment free from the hassle of litter
1. Dispose household waste properly.
2. Practice waste management.
3.Keep separate trash bin for dry waste, wet waste, e-waste, biomedical waste, hazardous waste and garden waste.
4. Keep yard clean and free of the things that can blow into the street and become litter.
5. Make sure garbage and recycling bags are tied securely.
6. Participate in community cleanup events
7. 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
8. Educate children about disposing trash properly.
9. Explain waste segregation to family.
1. Make sure your trash is secure.
2. Participate in a community clean-up day.
3. Educate others.
4. Keep a litter bag in vehicle.
1. Participate in School Litter Activities
2. Use dustbin properly.
3. Put your rubbish in a bin.
4. Use reusable bags wherever possible
1. Put your rubbish in a bin
2. Take your rubbish with you if no bin is available
3. Keep a bag in your car to collect rubbish
4. Put cigarette butt in a butt bin, or an ordinary litter bin when extinguished
5. Keep a container to collect cigarette butts in your car.
6. Use reusable containers

Problems of Littering


Soil Pollution


Water Pollution

adapted from FAO, 2015c.

Air Pollution


Pollutes the Environment

Amanda Mueller

Affects and Kill Wildlife


Increased Probability of Fires

Garbage overflows at a Sound beach in Southold. File photo: Katharine Schroeder

High Cleanup Costs

Affects Aesthetic Value and Local Tourism


Breeding Ground for Insects or Pest

Can Cause Physical Harm

or Injury to People

Anti-litter Map

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Solutions to Littering

Litter Laws

Anti-litter Campaigns

Putting up Litter Bins

Stop Littering Signs


Involve Children and Youth

Recycling of Waste

Carry a Litter Bag

Control littering

3 Rs


Reducing the amount of waste you produce


Reuse products in different ways or same purpose.


Converting waste materials into new materials and objects